Innovation projects supported by grant funding.
We like to innovate:
Projects supported by TA CR
Precise positioning for autonomous train operation with secure communications on new 5G+ network standards
21 492 769,61 Kč
The aim of the project is to develop a working sample of a device for accurate localization of railway rolling stock in real time, where the localization process will be as independent as possible from the current railway infrastructure. Project FW01010187 is co-financed with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the TREND 1 Programme, Programme to Support Industrial Research and Experimental Development.
Research and development of a working sample of a railway vehicle with data acquisition capability and software, a simulator with data generation capability for training obstacle detection in simulated conditions
19 350 179,00 Kč
The aim of the project is to develop a functional model of a railway vehicle detecting obstacles in the driving profile using a set of HW sensors, a sophisticated data processing architecture and using artificial intelligence for their final identification and subsequent interpretation to the driver. Project FW01010274 is co-financed with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the TREND 1 Programme, Programme to Support Industrial Research and Experimental Development.
Artificial intelligence for traffic and industrial vision
1 062 510,00 Kč
The aim of the project is to investigate new methods of video and image processing in transport, industry and the subsequent use of the results of this research in practical applications (embedded) systems and transport, industrial systems based on them. The project TH04010144 is co-financed with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic within the EPSILON IV Programme, Programme for Support of Applied Research and Experimental Development.
We love to innovate!
Projects implemented with support from EU grant programmes
Research and development of applications for the Atlassian platform using artificial intelligence
1 044 956,41 Kč
The project is focused on industrial research and experimental development of AI Analytics of Communication Quality software with Mindmaps for Jira module. The aim of the project is to develop applications in the Atlassian ecosystem that will enable faster digitization of processes and user adoption of IT technologies. Automation delivered by artificial intelligence, new features and maximum intuitiveness of work with the application will bring their users a significant increase in the efficiency of their work.
Research on a system to improve the safety, information and efficiency of rail transport (TIS)
3 907 192.73 Kč
The aim of the project is to develop a working sample of a device for accurate localization of railway rolling stock in real time, where the localization process will be as independent as possible from the current railway infrastructure. Project FW01010187 is co-financed with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the TREND 1 Programme, Programme to Support Industrial Research and Experimental Development.
Corporate employee training of the company IXPERTA
Within the project, a total of 52 employees of IXPERTA, s.r.o. will be trained. Participants will be trained in management
or soft skills, specialised IT skills, language courses and vocational training. This project receives financial support from the European Union’s Operational Programme for Employment.
Development of communication platform OpenScape
5 674 501,- Kč
The aim of the project is a major technological development of the OpenScape 4000 communication platform and related software functionalities. The result should be a technological rebuild and functional enhancement of the OpenScape 4000 platform, addressing customer requirements for new functionality and improving the user interface of the OpenScape 4000 platform. This project receives financial support from the European Union.
Development of new functionality for the OpenScape communication platform
6 359 484,- Kč
The aim of the projects is to develop new technological and user functionalities of the communication information system OpenScape 4000. Na tento projekt je poskytována finanční podpora od Evropské unie (OPPIK).

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